Proyecto Sustentar and AHIFORES held a forum called “Strengthening the competitiveness of the tomato sector in Mexico” on October 10 and 11, 2023 in Ensenada, Baja California. As a space for open dialogue between tomato sector stakeholders Continue Reading...
Register now! First Social Accountability Consultant Course
We are now accepting registrations for first Social Accountability Consultant Course on August 22-24, 2023 (9:00-11:00am EDT). This online training will equip consultants with additional knowledge and skills to look beyond compliance in Continue Reading...
SAI Launches SA8000 Standard Revision
In 2023, SAI is undertaking a full revision of our SA8000 Standard for Decent Work. The SA8000 Standard is the basis for all of SAI’s programs to advance human rights for workers around the world, from our flagship SA8000 Certification Continue Reading...
Proyecto Sustentar lleva a cabo talleres para la industria y comunidad productora de chile en Chihuahua
Read this post in English →Del 16 al 19 de mayo de 2023, Proyecto Sustentar realizó talleres para productores, acopiadores y empacadores de chile; sociedad civil y entidades gubernamentales en Chihuahua. Proyecto Sustentar es un proyecto Continue Reading...
Proyecto Sustentar workshops for chile-producing industry and communities in Chihuahua
Lee esta publicación en español →On May 16-19, 2023, Proyecto Sustentar held workshops for chile growers, collectors and producers, civil society, and government officials in areas of Chihuahua state. Proyecto Sustentar is a Continue Reading...
New Report: Worker Survey White Paper
Over the past 18 months, our friends at Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP) led a group of six nonprofit social compliance organizations, including SAI, in a collaborative project to survey 14,739 workers in 10 countries Continue Reading...