A TenSquared Case Study

Company Profile
Company: Krafoam
Country: Brazil
Industry: Packaging
- 100% of our workers know our complaints system and can describe specific steps for our reporting, investigating, resolving and conducting complaints
- 90% or our workers are satisfied with the process
- Focus on training and raising awareness among all staff
- Ongoing evaluation of project’s impact
- Achieved goal: 100% of workers are knowledgeable about the complaints system
- Surpassed goal: 94% of workers were satisfied with the process at the end of the project
- Workers felt more comfortable voicing concerns
Case Study
Sometimes, poor communication practices within a company can be a risk to health and safety. Well-known and trusted grievance and complaints mechanisms are key to making sure workers are comfortable voicing concerns about any workplace issues, including unsafe situations. Empowering workers to voice their concerns also contributes to high worker workplace satisfaction and can reduce absenteeism and turnover, resulting in higher productivity rates and higher quality products.
The Brazilian company Krafoam recognized shortcomings in their own grievance system and chose to focus on improving these mechanisms for their TenSquared challenge area. They challenged themselves to achieve not only 100% awareness of the complaints system, but also 90% satisfaction with it.
To start, the team conducted a baseline assessment of existing grievance mechanisms and communication processes. They then developed new policies and procedures based on that input.
Over the course of their 100-day project, the team conducted several worker trainings and an awareness-raising campaign within the facility to educate workers about the processes. Finally, they conducted follow‐up surveys throughout the process to ensure that the concepts were being understood.
These strategies paid off. By Day 100, 100% of workers were knowledgeable about the complaints system. This included being able to describe specific steps for reporting, investigating, resolving, and concluding complaints. Furthermore, surveys indicated 94% worker satisfaction with the grievance process, surpassing the original goal of 90%.
By building a better grievance mechanism and ensuring that it is well‐known and satisfactory for workers, Krafoam created a working space where workers felt more comfortable voicing their concerns.
What is TenSquared?
Find out how SAI’s innovative 100-day worker engagement and capacity-building program can help your company address root causes of workplace issues, overcome institutional hurdles to change, and foster a culture of continual, sustainable improvement.