Social Accountability
Accreditation Services (SAAS)
SAAS is an independently managed division of SAI that conducts quality assurance
for social certification programs.
About SAAS
Mission: To provide confidence in the ability of auditing systems to protect people and their communities through oversight and evaluation services.
Vision: Our vision is a world where all people across the globe enjoy fair and safe workplaces.
SAAS activities support the improvement of workplace environments through implementation of social responsibility, accountability, and transparency in businesses and organizations. SAAS evaluates auditing organizations to assure they are qualified to hold their clients accountable to social standards.
SAAS was established in 1997 as an independent accreditation department within SAI, and began accrediting Certification Bodies to perform SA8000 audits and issue certifications in 1998. Since then, SAAS has provided verification, oversight and monitoring, and technical assistance and capacity building services for many standard-setting organizations. Explore SAAS services.
SAAS Organization
SAAS is a department of SAI with independent decision-making authority; SAAS has sole authority and responsibility for all decisions relating to its accreditation and verification activities. SAAS maintains policies and procedures governing its structure and operation to ensure credibility, impartiality and reliability of services, including a complaints and appeals process, internal audits, management reviews, and a corrective and preventive action system for continuous improvement.
SAAS Structure
SAAS is governed by a Board of Directors and convenes an Accreditation Review Panel that assists in developing policies and recommendations to ensure best practices, continuous improvement, and impartiality in the accreditation process.
Related Bodies
SAAS has procedures in place to ensure that the activities of any related bodies do not compromise the confidentiality, objectivity, and impartiality of its accreditation activity. SAAS maintains different top management and personnel than that of its related bodies and decisions for accreditation are the sole responsibility of the Executive Director in consultation with an independent Accreditation Review Panel.
SAAS Professional Standards
SAAS manages its accreditation and related activities through a series of internal processes and procedures in compliance with ISO/IEC 17011, an international standard outlining general requirements for accreditation bodies. In 2009, SAAS became a full member of ISEAL, a demonstration of its leadership in the field of international social and environmental accreditation. Due to structural changes in 2018, SAAS no longer maintains its own membership in ISEAL.
Continuous Improvement
SAAS works toward continuous improvement in our own processes, procedures, and systems in addition to developing best practices for our clients. The result of these activities is greater positive impact and social change for companies, employers, and individuals. Learn more.
Accreditation/Oversight Requirements
(and SA8000 Scheme Documentation)
SAAS develops, publishes, and maintains scheme management and monitoring criteria on behalf of SAI and other scheme owners. Users may access and download relevant SA8000 scheme documentation from the SAAS Document Library.
SAAS Values