SA8000 Standard Revision 2025
SAI is undertaking a full revision of our SA8000 Standard for Decent Work. The SA8000 Standard is the basis for all of SAI’s programs to advance human rights for workers around the world, from our flagship SA8000 Certification Program to our capacity building work with brands, companies and other organizations, to our systems-focused landscape projects. It is also used as a benchmark by many other standards, policymakers, and in company codes of conduct.
The purpose of this revision is to ensure that the SA8000 Standard continues to serve as a leading benchmark for ethical workplaces at all levels of the value chain, reflecting evolving human rights risks and good practices. Read more about the revision goals and processes.
We will continue to update this page throughout the revision process and all opportunities to participate will be widely announced. Check back here for updates or sign up for our mailing list.
We are committed to an inclusive and transparent Standard Revision process. At each stage of public review, we will proactively seek input from workers and their advocates, especially those with personal experience and insight on human rights abuses at work. If you would like to participate in some way, or to nominate a person or organization to participate, please reach out to communications@sa-intl.org.
Get Involved
Following the publication of the Working Draft SA8000:2025 Standard in 2025 (expected end of March), SAI will continue with stakeholder engagement through pilot processes and in-person engagements. Throughout 2025, you may also contact SAI at sa8000@sa-intl.org with your feedback on the Working Draft. We will consider all comments received.
Why a Working Draft?
Throughout 2025, SAI will be developing supporting documents and associated Certification Program materials and field testing the Standard and supporting materials. We will also continue collecting feedback from stakeholders. Learnings from this period may result in further minor edits to the Standard before final publication at the end of 2025.
At the same time, we want to ensure that current SA8000 Certification Program and other Standard users have as much time as possible to understand the revised Standard and prepare for the upcoming changes. To balance the needs of these users with the ongoing testing and feedback process, we will be publishing the nearly final version as a “Working Draft.”
Stakeholders should not expect significant changes from the Working Draft and should begin preparing for implementation based on this version. Edits made at this point will not affect the significant principles, structure, or criteria. They will instead focus on clarifying the standard and ensuring applicability for all potential contexts.
Previous public engagement opportunities
Public Comment Period (September 16 – November 17, 2024)
Thank you to all who participated in the public comment period. We received over 1,000 comments from over 600 stakeholders through our online webform, 20 public webinars and 4 in-person workshops.
Public Feedback Events
Feedback Webinars: SAI hosted SA8000:2025 feedback webinars as an additional opportunity to provide input to the drafted Standard. Webinars were open to all.
Date | Time | Language |
November 26, 2024 | 10:30AM – 11:30AM EST | Spanish |
December 3, 2024 | 10:30AM – 11:30AM IST | English |
December 4, 2024 | 10:00AM – 11:00AM EST | English |
December 5, 2024 | 11:00AM – 12:00PM CST | Mandarin |
December 5, 2024 | 4:30PM -5:30PM BRT | Portuguese |
December 6, 2024 | 2:00PM – 3:00PM CEST | Italian |
Public Feedback Workshop (Vietnam): SAI hosted a public in-person feedback workshop in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam on November 22, 2024.
- Date: November 22, 2024
- Time: 8:30am – 12:00pm
- Location: Novotel Saigon Centre
- Address: 167 Hai Ba Trung, Ward Vo Thi Sau, District 3 – Ho Chi Minh City – Vietnam
Informational Webinars: SAI delivered informational webinars during the public comment period, providing details about the Standard revision process, the draft Standard, and guidance for how to review and provide feedback. View a recording of the webinar (English).
2023 Key Country Revision Workshops
From July to October 2023, SAI held 13 workshops across 10 countries to gather feedback on our initial draft materials and input to inform future stages of the drafting process. Nearly 250 people attended the workshops and provided their valuable expertise and insights. Participants came from SA8000-certified companies, audit firms, government agencies, and human rights and workers’ rights organizations, contributing a wide range of perspectives.
Archived Information about Key Country Revision Workshops
The first public feedback opportunities will be workshops in key countries for the SA8000 Standard and SAI programs. These are a crucial step for ensuring that the updated Standard reflects the goals and concerns of the wide variety of industries and geographies where we work and the many actors we work with.
In these sessions, SAI will present our vision for the revised Standard, providing time for participants to discuss and share feedback from the perspective of their individual organization or constituency. Participants will also be able to share written feedback at the events and online afterwards.
For participants, these workshops offer an opportunity to:
- Help shape the future of social standards
- Hear others’ priorities and concerns on key labor topics and share your perspective
- Learn how evolutions in the overall landscape of work and social responsibility are shaping this Standard revision
- Preview draft principles in the revised Standard
- For users of the SA8000 System and other SAI programs, directly contribute to shaping the future direction of these programs
The workshops were open to anyone with an interest in labor rights, social compliance, human rights due diligence, and similar topics to participate in workshops within their own country. This includes representatives from the private sector, government, unions, civil society, and academia.
Key participant groups for these events include, but are not limited to:
- SA8000-Certified Organizations, Certification Bodies, and Auditors
- Businesses at all levels of the value chain
- Social auditors and audit firms in different systems
- Organizations that have participated in other SAI programs
- Industry associations
- Investors
- Government representatives
- Unions and worker representatives
- Organizations focused on labor and development issues (NGOs, Non-profits, International agencies, Development banks, etc. )
- Academics with insights on labor issues and management systems
We especially encourage participation by individuals and groups representing workers at high risk of exploitation or discrimination, such as women workers, migrant workers, workers with disabilities, informal workers, LGBTQIA+ workers, home-workers, domestic workers, young workers, older workers, and workers who have experienced forced labor, child labor, or other abusive conditions, among others. Any such organizations or individuals that have questions or concerns about participating, please contact communications@sa-intl.org.
Workshop Information
Location | Date/Time (local time) |
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam | July 21, 2023 1:30-5:30pm |
Delhi, India | August 21, 2023 9:00am-1:00pm |
Coimbatore, India | August 22, 2023 9:00am-1:00pm |
Dhaka, Bangladesh | September 7, 2023 9:00am-1:00pm |
Shenzhen, China | September 13, 2023 9:00am-1:00pm |
Shanghai, China | September 15, 2023 9:00am-1:00pm |
Naples, Italy | September 19, 2023 1:00-5:00pm |
Rome, Italy | September 20, 2023 9:00am-1:00pm |
Athens, Greece | September 25, 2023 9:00am-1:00pm |
Bucharest, Romania | September 25, 2023 9:00am-1:00pm |
Sofia, Bulgaria | September 26, 2023 1:00-5:00pm |
Lisbon, Portugal | September 28, 2023 9:00am-1:00pm |
São Paulo, Brazil | October 3, 2023 9:00am-1:00pm |
Any changes to the Standard will be implemented in 2025 and beyond, including updates to SA8000 training. As with previous revisions, SA8000 auditors will need to take a short revision training to maintain their training credential. This revision training will also be available to anyone who has taken an SA8000 Basic or Advanced training.
Because we cannot yet predict when the SA8000 Basic Training will be revised and revision training made available, we encourage anyone considering SA8000 training to proceed with the current version. Participants who complete the SA8000 Basic Training in 2023 or later will be able to take the revision training for free when it becomes available.