Issue Areas
SAI’s mission is to advance human rights in workplaces globally. We work with companies, governments, NGOs, labor unions, and communities to protect workers and improve conditions in many different ways. While every project and situation is unique, there are certain solutions that we believe raise expectations and performance and certain issue areas that we advance in all of our work
Management Systems
A management system is a set of processes for implementing policies consistently, monitoring outcomes, and building on experience. At SAI, we believe that management systems are key for integrating socially responsible practices in daily business operations and supporting continuous improvement in social performance. We promote a management systems-approach in all of our work with suppliers and brands.
Social Fingerprint®
Social Fingerprint Every company has a Social Fingerprint®—a unique mark that shows the world how they do business. Measure and improve Based on the philosophy “you can’t improve what you don’t measure,” Social Fingerprint measures and maps a path to improve on social performance—a company’s preparedness to manage a socially responsible workplace or supply chain.…
Corporate Programs
Corporate Programs We help companies measure and improve working conditions in supply chains around the world. We help companies… For over 20 years, SAI’s expert team has been helping companies take their human rights commitments from idea to reality. As leaders in implementation, we work with your team to drive measurable, sustainable impact in your…
SA8000® Standard
SA8000® Standard About SA8000 The SA8000 Standard is the world’s leading social certification program. The SA8000 Standard and Certification System provide a framework for organizations of all types, in any industry, and in any country to conduct business in a way that is fair and decent for workers and to demonstrate their adherence to the…
FairCapacity Program
FairCapacity Program Reducing labor risks through better production planning and transparency. The FairCapacity Program (previously Supplier Capacity Program) aims to improve production capacity measurement and forecasting practices to reflect the true costs of production and to incentivize good purchasing practices to relieve unrealistic time and price pressures, often unfairly borne by workers. What is FairCapacity?…
Worker Voice & Engagement
Part of SAI’s philosophy is that socially responsible workplaces benefit business while securing fundamental human rights. An essential element for achieving this outcome is worker engagement. Over our long experience facilitating dialogue between management and workers, we have found that including a diverse group of employees from every level and job function in decision-making and problem-solving processes leads to more practical, cheaper, and more sustainable outcomes. Including worker voice in these processes also contributes to improving workplace communication, relationships, and worker satisfaction.
Corporate Programs
Corporate Programs We help companies measure and improve working conditions in supply chains around the world. We help companies… For over 20 years, SAI’s expert team has been helping companies take their human rights commitments from idea to reality. As leaders in implementation, we work with your team to drive measurable, sustainable impact in your…
TenSquared 100 Days to Better Work Engaging workers to find innovative solutions to the toughest workplace challenges What is TenSquared? TenSquared is a structured, 100-day accelerated change program that unites workers and managers to collaboratively… Address root causes of workplace issues Measurably improve on a specific workplace challenge in 100 days Overcome institutional hurdles to…
SA8000® Standard
SA8000® Standard About SA8000 The SA8000 Standard is the world’s leading social certification program. The SA8000 Standard and Certification System provide a framework for organizations of all types, in any industry, and in any country to conduct business in a way that is fair and decent for workers and to demonstrate their adherence to the…
Palma Futuro
Palma Futuro Toward an ethical global palm oil industry Palma Futuro aims to build up robust social performance systems that improve conditions for workers at every level of the palm oil supply chain in Colombia and Ecuador—from industrial processing plants, to large-scale plantations, to thousands of smallholder farms—and disseminate best practices to other palm oil-producing…
Living Wage
SAI has included payment of a living wage as one of our core principles for decent work since our founding in 1997, long before the idea was widely accepted by other organizations and companies. Our SA8000 Standard has emphasized the importance of a living wage for workers’ rights since the very beginning, and we have worked individually with brands and retailers for over 20 years on strategies to improve wages in their companies and supply chains.
SAI works across all of our programs to advance decent wages, work toward a living wage, and promote decent work.
Worker Well-being
Health & safety issues are often the first thing that comes to mind when considering working conditions and worker protection. Health and safety are a baseline requirement for decent work and often the first thing that we will address for improving conditions, but worker protection goes well beyond these concerns to include everything from discrimination to forced labor.
Living Wage
Living Wage A living wage meets a worker’s basic needs to maintain a safe, decent standard of living for the worker and their family. SAI & Living Wage SAI has included payment of a living wage as one of our core principles for decent work since our founding in 1997, long before the idea was…
Palma Futuro
Palma Futuro Toward an ethical global palm oil industry Palma Futuro aims to build up robust social performance systems that improve conditions for workers at every level of the palm oil supply chain in Colombia and Ecuador—from industrial processing plants, to large-scale plantations, to thousands of smallholder farms—and disseminate best practices to other palm oil-producing…
FairCapacity Program
FairCapacity Program Reducing labor risks through better production planning and transparency. The FairCapacity Program (previously Supplier Capacity Program) aims to improve production capacity measurement and forecasting practices to reflect the true costs of production and to incentivize good purchasing practices to relieve unrealistic time and price pressures, often unfairly borne by workers. What is FairCapacity?…
MY Voice Project
Project to Combat Forced Labor and Child Labor in the Production of Goods in Malaysia Photo courtesy of Proforest About the Project Malaysia is the world’s second largest palm oil producer, and its garment industry – while much smaller – makes up 2% of global apparel exports. MY Voice seeks to combat forced and child…