We’re delighted to announce that the Anker Research Institute’s Living Wage and Income Corporate Sponsors program has officially launched and is accepting new Sponsors!
With more and more consumers demanding more ethical conditions for workers around the world, the conversation about living wages has never been more relevant. Anker Research Institute Living Wage and Income Sponsors will ensure a sustainable future for the Anker Research Institute’s important living wage and living income research and studies on topics of interest, used by researchers, companies, civil society organizations and many more.
In return for their support of the Institute and its mission, Corporate Sponsors will gain public recognition of their sponsorship, a forum for group discussion and an inside look into upcoming studies. Corporate Sponsors will also be able to help usher into reality a world in which living wages and incomes, sustainable livelihoods and decent work are possible for all workers.
For more information or to find out how to become a Corporate Sponsor, contact inquiries@ankerinstitute.org.
Learn more at ankerresearchinstitute.org.
SAI is a founding partner of the GLWC and the institutional host of the Anker Research Institute.