Project Cultivar was a U.S. Department of Labor-funded project designed to increase labor law compliance and competitiveness in agricultural sectors of Central America and the Dominican Republic. Implemented through partnerships with local human rights NGOs led by SAI, Project Cultivar delivered training to 3,715 workers, 240 managers, 126 worker peer trainers, and 315 labor inspectors. This capacity building provided the infrastructure for ongoing social dialogue by increasing awareness of national labor laws, empowering workers to invoke their rights, strengthening managers’ capacity to comply with labor legislation, and equipping government inspectors with the tools to enforce regulations. It provided proof of concept of the multi-stakeholder, consultative, and capacity-building model of SAI.
Published: 2011

Local Partners

Centro de Desarrollo Humano (Center for Human Development)

Dominican Republic
Centro de Investigación y Apoyo Cultural (Center for Cultural Research and Support)

Dominican Republic
Instituto para la Cultura y Autogestión Popular de la Región Noroeste (Institute for Culture and Local Self Reliance of the Northwest Region)

Profesionales para la Auditoria Social Empresarial (Professionals in Social Auditing of Business)