The online training Assessing Current Wages provides guidance on conducting wage assessments for the SA8000® certification system. The course provides step-by-step guidance on the following topics:
- collecting data on current wages
- analyzing wage structures
- types of items that can and cannot be included as part of a wage
- in-kind benefits and bonuses
- using SAI’s wage assessment tool
The Assessing Current Wages training includes access to SAI’s official wage assessment tool and additional resources, including a wage reference document and a case study examined during the course.
For any questions regarding the current wage or living wage e-learning courses, please contact
Fee: US$150 (credit card only)
Includes complimentary access to the online training, Living Wage: Making It a Reality.
Duration: Approximately 2.5 hours*
*Participants should expect to be actively engaged throughout entire e-learning course in order to fulfill the expected learning outcomes. The course includes interactive quizzes and a final exam.
Notice for SA8000 Auditors: The e-learning course is classified as structured learning in SAAS Procedure 305, Continuing Education Framework. It counts for 2.5 Continuing Education credits. In order to earn the Continuing Education credits, auditors and certification bodies are required to keep the automatically generated record of course completion on file.