The Palma Futuro Handbook and Toolkit are now available in English and Spanish. Designed to help companies of any size easily understand and implement robust social compliance systems to promote acceptable working conditions in palm oil Continue Reading...
Palma Futuro
Private Sector Strategies to Prevent & Eradicate Child Labor
While for many children, August is a time to enjoy vacation in the few weeks left before school starts, millions of children worldwide are instead concerned with working and generating extra income to support their families. Continue Reading...
Combatting child labor in the COVID era with Palma Futuro
Palma Futuro’s Community Circles help to convene members of communities surrounded by the palm oil industry to identify and explore solutions to common challenges. Palma Futuro also provides Community Circle leaders with the space to Continue Reading...
Worker and community engagement initiatives combat forced and child labor in Latin American palm oil industry
Palma Futuro is a project funded by the U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL) and implemented by Partners of the Americas (POA) and its partners, Social Accountability International (SAI) and J.E. Austin Associates (JAA). Palma Futuro aims to Continue Reading...
Protected: Palma Futuro: Información para los trabajadores de Palmas del Cesar
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Protected: Palma Futuro: Información para los trabajadores de Palmagro
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