Advancing the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human RightsGoal: Build capacity among civil society organizations to engage with and conduct further training on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights Continue Reading...
Responsible Business
FairCapacity Program
What is FairCapacity? (Video) Continue Reading...
From Principles to Practice: The Role of SA8000 in Implementing the UN Global Compact
Partners Continue Reading...
Business Principles for Countering Bribery
Partners Continue Reading...
Environment and Labor Excellence for CAFTA-DR
Building Capacity to Implement Labor and Environmental Standards in CAFTA-DR RegionGoal: The USAID ELE Program worked to build ethical market access for producers, through labor and environmental standards compliance.Countries: Costa Rica, Continue Reading...
Comply & Win (Cumple y Gana)
Strengthening Labor Inspections in Central America and the Dominican RepublicA Project of the U.S. Department of Labor, led by FUNDPADEMGoal: In Comply and Win, SAI provided tools and training to help build capacity among labor ministries Continue Reading...